Two lions were able to successfully traverse the water, and one was able to quickly turn around and swim to shore to the opposite bank. Just to show that they do not accept unannounced animals, especially lions, into their territory. The one hippo sets off on a mission to get the lions from the water and wasn’t afraid to kill. oblivious to the fact that the cats were presumably just attempting to cross. Because to the fact that they had recently witnessed these enormous lions approaching their domain, the four lions crossing presented a threat to the hippos. Hippos are infamous for being extremely deadly creatures and for being fiercely territorial, particularly when animals approach them too closely. Was it too late for these big cats to turn back? Keep on reading to find out! To stay cool in the blistering African heat, hippos spend most of their day in rivers and lakes. When they began to cross, they became aware that they were in already-claimed, uncharted seas. They were definitely aware of the hippos nearby, but they saw the need to cross the river despite this information. In Botswana, a lion pride was trying to get across the Selinda spillway. But, they will inevitably have to travel over risky terrain and take risks, like every other animal. They are excellent hunters and won’t leave their lands without a solid reason. The majority of the time, this is accurate because they are naturally aggressive, territorial, and dominant animals. The phrase “kings of the jungle” is frequently used to describe lions.

A nail-biting sighting took place in the Selinda Reserve in Botswana and thankfully it was all recorded. Those who get the opportunity to actually experience such an adventure never know what to expect.